




FESTU was originally established as the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Engineers (KhabIIZhT) on September 8th, 1937. It was the first technical college in the Soviet Far East aimed at training of qualified personnel for the railroads of the East Siberian and Far Eastern regions of Russia.


Historical milestones:


September 1st 1939 – Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Engineers accepted first intake of students.


July 29th 1944 – the first 84 graduates received their diplomas of engineers in leading specialties: construction of railways, locomotives and locomotive stock, traffic and freight transportation.


September 1967 – Faculty of professional development was established at FESTU in order to retrain managerial personnel of Far Eastern Railways.


1993 – KhabIIZhT was reorganized in Far Eastern State Transport Academy (FESTA).


1997 – FESTA was promoted a rank of university and renamed into Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU).